GCaMP calcium indicators rAAV

The influx of calcium ions serves as an important intracellular signal across tissues and cell types. Calcium influx is a particularly important signal in neurons and is believed to act as a sufficient indicator of neuronal cell firing. By using special fluorescent dyes or calcium ion indicators such as GCaMP, we can determine real-time changes in calcium ion concentration for the purposes of measuring neuronal activity. GCaMP expression is commonly driven by AAV vectors and functions as a powerful and popular research tool.

PackGene provides a pre-made “off the shelf” AAV-GCaMP to drive the expression of GCaMP. These AAVs can be used directly, conveniently, and efficiently for in vivo experiments, and come standard with a complete quality inspection report.

GCaMP-AAV offers rapid and selective calcium concentration signaling in which fluorescence intensity correlates directly with calcium ion concentration. PackGene’s GCaMP-AAV reliabilityt is ensured with a complete quality inspection report. It can be readily applied in cell culture or in vivo experiments and thus offers both convenience and efficiency. Moreover, GCaMP can be targeted to specific cell subtypes by carefully selecting vector promoters and AAV serotypes to enhance both ersatility and applicability.


Promoter type Catalog No. Promoter and Gene
HSyn1 promoter AAV-CA101 ssAAV.hSyn1-DIO-GCaMP6f-P2A-nls-dTomato
AAV-CA102 ssAAV.hSyn1-DIO-GCaMP6s-P2A-nls-dTomato
AAV-CA103 ssAAV.hSyn1- GCaMP6f- P2A- nls-dTomato
AAV-CA104 ssAAV.hSyn1-GCaMP6s-P2A-nls-dTomato
AAV-CA105 ssAAV.hSyn1- mRuby2-GSG-P2A- GCaMP6f-WPRE-pA
AAV-CA106 ssAAV.hSyn1- mRuby2-GSG-P2A- GCaMP6s-WPRE- pA
AAV-CA107 ssAAV.hSyn1- mRuby2-GSG-P2A- GCaMP6m-WPRE-pA
EF1a promoter AAV-CA031 ssAAV.EF1a-DIO- GCaMP6f-P2A- nls-dTomato
AAV-CA032 ssAAV.EF1a-DIO- GCaMP6s-P2A- nls- dTomato
AAV-CA033 ssAAV.EF1a-GCaMP6f-P2A-nls-dTomato
AAV-CA034 ssAAV.EF1a-GCaMP6s-P2A-nls-dTomato
AAV-CA035 ssAAV.EF1a-mRuby2-GSG- P2A- GCaMP6f-WPRE-pA
AAV-CA036 ssAAV.EF1a-mRuby2-GSG- P2A- GCaMP6s-WPRE-pA
AAV-CA037 ssAAV.EF1a-mRuby2-GSG- P2A- GCaMP6m-WPRE-pA
CaMKlla promoter AAV-CA131 ssAAV.CaMKIIa-DIO-GCaMP6f-P2A-nls-dTomato
AAV-CA132 ssAAV.CaMKlla- DIO- GCaMP6s-P2A- nls- dTomato
AAV-CA133 ssAAV.CaMKlla- GCaMP6f- P2A- nls-dTomato
AAV-CA134 ssAAV.CaMKlla- GCaMP6s-P2A- nls-dTomato

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