

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a debilitating and dangerous human syndrome caused by coronavirus infection. Coronaviruses enter the human body by binding to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), and thus, animal models that express ACE2 are useful for the study of coronavirus-associated respiratory diseases. Traditional knock-in animal models are labor-intensive and require at least six months to build, as well as extensive resource allocations to maintain. PackGene has generated AAV-based animal models that overexpress the hACE2 protein in specific organs, making them suitable for coronavirus studies, including COVID-19-related studies.

PackGene’s model takes advantage of rAAV serotype tropisms to selectively infect specific tissues in mice for generating AAV-hACE2 animal models. AAV infected tissues show continuous and stable expression of the hACE2 protein producing in a simple and time-saving method for new coronavirus-related drug development and research.

Comparison between AAV-hACE2 animal modeling and traditional animal modeling:

Comparison between AAV-hACE2 animal modeling and traditional animal modeling:

AAV-hACE2 animal modeling
Traditional animal modeling
Production Cycle Short cycle within 14 days Over 6 months
Process Simple Complicated steps
Histotropism Specific distribution Wide distribution

Premade hACE2 AAV

Promoter type Catalog No. Promoter and Gene AAV type
Universal promoter AAV-C-1875 ssAAV.CAG.human ACE2.WPRE.SV40pA ssAAV
Case Study
Products: AAVrh10 from PackGene Biotech
Injection Method: Intranasal Administration
Recommended Dose: 2×10^11GC/ml, 40μl
Animal Model: 6-8-week-old female BALB/c mice
Journal: Antiviral Research, 2022 (IF=10.103)
Paper Title: Rational design of AAVrh10-vectored ACE2 functional domain to broadly block the cell entry of SARS-CoV-2 variants
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.antiviral.2022.105383
AAVrh10 expressing the different ACE2 fragments, including shACE2, shACE2PD, shACE2(PD + Neck), hACE224-83, dACE224-83, were packaged by PackGene Biotech.
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